By Ethen Wilson, 8th grade student


There are many guesses on the how the Earth was created. But I'm here to tell you the truth! The earth was sculpted, the canyons were dug, the oceans were filled, and the grass was planted by the one true Creator of the universe! The one said "let there be light" and there was light in. Geneses 1:1 it says: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! The problem is most people don't believe without seeing. Scientists are saying "Hey there was one point in time where the earth was covered in water," ya guess what that was called the flood! "Hey there appears to be a large boat on this rock." ...Hey guess what that's called Noah's Ark!! God performs miracles every day! Not just physically but in people's hearts and their minds and their soul! Have you no faith at all! God gave His one and only Son to die on a cross for the sins WE committed and was willing to do so to save US! At any point He could've asked to be saved. But NO- His deep, amazing, unforgettable love for us conquered it all!! He faced demons, tests, and trials but he stood firm in God! Can we not do the same? The word Christian means "little Christ;" we were put on this earth for a purpose: to spread His love and mercy!! To show the world their Father who only wants to love on them and protect them!! We are God's soldiers and with Him we are always prepared for battle! People doubt and are sometimes nervous about telling others about him let me tell you this verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (Phillipians 4:13) He is always by your side ready to help you! To comfort you! And there is nothing to be ashamed of at all!! Be a light to everyone!! Show them that you have God as your father! Show them His unmistakable love for you!! There is nothing wrong with being unique!! Be the person who stands out! Be the one in class, or at work, or in the car that is showing God's love who is helping others when they need help! 1 Pet 3:15: But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

Don't hesitate when asked about the Lord; dive deeper into the person's heart; be a light in every dark corner!!

Friends, neighbors, teachers, pastors, children, teens, adults: we may be different in age but God has given us the authority to heal, to comfort, and to show love to others who don't know him! Nothing can stop you and nothing can get in your way. Yes we can run into walls in the flesh, but in spirit those walls will crumble at the feet of Jesus!!!

Now rise soldiers of Christ!!! Rise with a Battle cry! We ARE victorious!! We ARE the sons and daughters of the ONE and ONLY God!!!