Wow. Can't even begin to tell you all that's been happening in my life! My job is getting more demanding and more exciting every day. I love it. I am willingly and passionately devoting more time and energy than ever before. I can feel myself stepping into my calling and coming alive. It's wonderful. Last weekend, I made it victoriously through another busy Sunday only to find out as I was pulling out of the parking lot that my grandma had just passed away. I say pass away not because it's more pleasant or polite, but because she didn't die. I once heard someone say "Christians don't die, they just take a quick nap." Grandma was ready for heaven. She had planned her funeral to the letter 15 years ago! My grandparents have been visiting their own headstones for a while and have often found flowers, haha! With an already busier work week than usual, I got a last minute flight to Arkansas to be with my family and perform the eulogy. A loved one going to heaven is a celebration for most people, but not when it's your wife of 61 years. Poor grandpa has been taking it pretty hard. It's not easy to watch a 92 year old man weep tears of sadness. Fortunately he had his 2 daughters, son-in-laws, and 5 grandchildren to help comfort him. Under the circumstances, it was so good to spend time with family I don't see often. I think it was grandma's last trick to get us all together. 

I wasn't completely prepared the night before the funeral service, but my heart was at rest. That night I had a dream: in the dream it was already the next morning and I was about to speak at the funeral. I still wasn't prepared so I just tried to say whatever the Lord was putting on my heart in that moment. I spoke eloquently; every word was perfect. I woke up, and wrote down the words. That marks the 3rd time in my life the Lord has shown me exactly what to say (in a public speaking context) in a dream the night before. The actual service went really well, just like the dream. I believe it honored grandma, a woman who's passion for the lost to be saved was rivaled by few. 

I flew back just in time to start getting ready for a weekend retreat I am taking the youth group on tomorrow morning. After that I will help with the Sunday night class we do at our church. Hopefully I will have a few minutes to go to the driving range since I am playing in a big golf tournament on Monday! All the while I am learning to love the sweet and beautiful Mary Fincannon. What an honor it is to be in an amazing relationship with her. She is unbelievable. 

Busy, but full of abundant life.  I wouldn't have it any other way! I must say that I have experienced more favor the last 30 days than ever before. If you know me at all, you know that is a big statement since I have experienced rich, dramatic, unmerited favor over the course of my entire life. It's time like these when it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and not take time to just sit at the feet of Jesus. I am tired and I still have work to do and I am waking up quite early tomorrow morning. But I am not going to miss this moment. God wants to minister to my heart and I am going to let Him.
