How to write a blog when your mind is empty

January 14, 2014
How do you write a blog when you have nothing on your mind and it still be worth reading?  Easy!  You just start talking about Jesus!  Did you know that His Name alone carries power?  Did you know that just talking about Him makes you happy, fills you with health, draws you nearer to God, empowers you and fills you with passion?  Yes!  He is incredible!  Praise the Lamb that was slain!  The innocent, pure, spotless blood that was poured out on our behalf.  The righteousness that was imparted to us in exchange for our sin!  The murdered Son of God that defeated hell and the grave once and for all!  The Word who became flesh and came to rescue us on Earth when we couldn't reach it to Heaven!


This life is amazing

September 21, 2013
Wow. Can't even begin to tell you all that's been happening in my life! My job is getting more demanding and more exciting every day. I love it. I am willingly and passionately devoting more time and energy than ever before. I can feel myself stepping into my calling and coming alive. It's wonderful. Last weekend, I made it victoriously through another busy Sunday only to find out as I was pulling out of the parking lot that my grandma had just passed away. I say pass away not because it's mo...
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Hanging out with Jesus

January 21, 2013
by John

 It is so good to hear people talk about Jesus.  Even if you already know all of the information, it still builds your faith and refreshes your spirit.  That's why sermons are so good to listen to!  There is one sermon that stands out among the rest as the most influential in my life.  It was about 6 years ago at a men's retreat in the NC mountains by a man named John Hobbs.  He taught me that our relationship with God was all about "the process."  He taught me how to enjoy God in the ...
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How to make your heart happy

October 10, 2012
by John 

I often envision an old man lying on his hospital bed, knowingly approaching death. The man is looking back at his life as a whole. What does he see? Is he thinking about specific memories? Is he grinning about his successes or feeling guilty about his failures? Is he wishing he could go back in time and do things differently, or is he ready to go?

I don't know. I am not the old man yet. I am uncertain of what my thoughts will be like, even though I have a pretty good idea ;)


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A word from T

August 23, 2012
By Tavitris


The Holy Spirit is waiting to release you into the greatest adventure of your life. He desires to build His Kingdom here through releasing the dreams and passions which He has placed in your heart. Adults come alive and fulfill the dreams of your childhood and young men and women receive the vision from above that will transform the future. The wildest desires of your heart are waiting to be fu
lfilled by the lover of your soul, Jesus Christ. This is just my personal opinion but I ...

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July 11, 2012
by John

I wanted to write a new blog today.  But my brain was stuck so I decided not to.  And then I realized that my brain wasn't stuck at all, it was just at rest.  So I changed my mind again and decided to blog.

This is the only thought I can muster up today....


Best blog I have ever written. 

Click here for the story behind this painting.

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A conversation with God.

July 6, 2012

It is 2:30 AM. Our protagonist is awake. His mind is frantically being attacked by worries of the upcoming day, enough so to keep him from sleep. His soul is not at rest. His body is in pain, but not as painful as the knowledge of knowing that the bodily pain will increase to the eventual point of vomiting.

[John stumbles out of bed and goes to the bathroom.]

[God enters stage left], but only for effect, since He has never left the protagonist's side.

John: “God, what the heck...

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When something good comes out of something bad, did God put the bad thing there on purpose?

June 13, 2012

by John

When something good comes out of something bad, did God put the bad thing there on purpose?

This is a very common belief among believers, but should not be. It is not in God's nature to give us anything bad (Matthew 7:7-11). Here 2 reasons why people believe this:

  1. There is no one better than God at taking an ugly situation and making it beautiful. The Bible is full of stories of redemption. He can make a bad situation so remarkably good that we sometimes have a tenden...

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Let's Do This!

June 5, 2012
By Ethen Wilson, 8th grade student


There are many guesses on the how the Earth was created. But I'm here to tell you the truth! The earth was sculpted, the canyons were dug, the oceans were filled, and the grass was planted by the one true Creator of the universe! The one said "let there be light" and there was light in. Geneses 1:1 it says: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth! The problem is most people don't believe without seeing. Scientists are saying "Hey the...

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The power of doubt

May 29, 2012

by John


I was recently reunited with my best friend, Martin Ivey, who just finished his completed 2 years at BSSM in Redding, California. Martin and I set out on a mission to help motivate each other to get in shape. To stay in normal human form, Martin and I require large amounts of physical activity since most of our diet revolves around Mike and Ikes, Sun Drop, and Fruit by the Foot.

I have always been moderately active; so I am in a little bit better shape than Martin. Because of...

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